Tuesday 6th September, 2022, open by appointment only

We remain 'appointment only' and we will still only see one person (household) at a time. We are mainly involved with project management these days so can no longer open the showroom just for viewing of fabrics and wallpapers. However, feel free to email us and we will help if we can. We have a large showroom (42m²) so we can still keep a reasonable distance. There is no point in continuing with COVID restrictions (as there legally aren't any) but if you arrange an appointment and wish us all to wear masks, just let us know.
Kym has a queue of people 'patiently' waiting their turn and you are welcome to join the list. Kym has a number of major/rolling projects so is restricted in what she can take on at this time, particularly design work. We never turn away old friends and, if you are a new or potential one, it never hurts to ask. Be aware, materials are causing a number of problems and delays, NOT to mention huge cost increases. sales@pygmalioninteriors.co.uk